Welcome to Christ the King Catholic Church
Within our Church, you will find a devout, determined, and passionate community that is inspired by the Holy Spirit. We hope you will find our vibrant parish life a fitting home for your prayer and worship!
When you become a parishioner, you’ll…
Officially be a part of our Catholic community
Begin active involvement with our ministries
Gain a pastor who prays for you every day
Become a part of the sharing of spiritual good of the community

Next Steps & FAQ
To be a Parishioner at Christ the King, one must:
Be baptised Roman Catholic
Attend Sunday Mass on a regular basis at Christ the King
Be a registered member of the Church for a minimum of six months
Be actively engaged in the Church community
Have an established record of contributions by use of our online banking or envelope system
If you’d like to explore the Catholic faith with a view to potentially becoming Catholic by receiving the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist), the ordinary route for this is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.). The R.C.I.A. is a process of formation for those that wish to become Catholic. At Christ the King, we generally begin in the Fall with structured catechesis from the Catechism, meeting on Tuesday nights, with a few additional events throughout the year. For those who want a question-and-answer format, that group meets as RCIA Inquiry on Monday nights, year-round. Many of our candidates are received into the Church at Easter Vigil, while others have their own journey, according to the mutual discernment of the seeker and those that walk with him/her through the process. Please contact Sister Mary Paul at mhaase@ctkdallas.org to get more information.
Are you coming to Mass for the first time ever, or perhaps after a long hiatus? It can be intimidating but know that we are very happy to have you. A few things to keep in mind, so you know how to comport yourself.
Reverence is key. Dress accordingly and don’t bring food or drink into the sanctuary (and don’t chew gum).
It is a good idea to come a bit early to pray, to get used to the environment, and to explore the books in the pews, which can help you get your bearings during Mass.
When you enter, you can dip your fingers into the holy water at the door and make a sign of the cross as an external gesture signaling your renewal of baptismal vows. If you have not been baptized, it can signify your desire for baptism.
When you enter a pew to be seated, we genuflect (touch one knee to the ground) toward the tabernacle, located behind the altar. You’ll know when to stand and kneel by watching everyone around you.
Don’t feel like you need to know all the verbal responses. If you listen to them and want to make them your own, anytime a prayer or recitation ends with an “Amen,” say, “Amen” (i.e. “so be it”).
Much of what we do as Catholics at Mass takes some time and practice, kind of like dancing. The best advice is to jump in and remember that no one is really watching you to see if you mess up.
If you are not Catholic (yet) or do not find yourself to be in a state of grace, not yet having been able to approach the Sacrament of Penance (a.k.a.. Confession or Reconciliation) prior to attending Mass, when it is time for Communion, you are invited to join the line to receive a blessing rather than partake of the Eucharist. You can signal to the priest that you are desirous of a blessing by crossing your arms in front of your chest upon approach. Your desire to receive Communion is a good thing with real spiritual fruit, even if you are not yet able to receive sacramentally.
Ultimately, we want you to feel at once welcomed and awe-inspired as you join us in worshipping our Lord. In order to get the most out of it, simply pay attention to Whom it is that you pray, dedicating your time to a sacred activity.
“For this is 'none other but the House of God and the Gate of Heaven.”
Bishop Wedelin J. Nold
Dedication of Christ the King

Parish Ministries
If one is looking to become a connected member of Christ the King, we have much to offer! Included on our Parish Registration form is an ‘interest’ section with all the ministries offered at Christ the King. However, if you are already a registered parishioner at Christ the King, you can look at our ministries page to see all the ministries offered at Christ the King. Whether it's Youth Ministry, Service Ministry, Mother Ministry, or Men’s group, you belong at Christ the King. And if you see something we're missing, let us know, and we can help you create it!
Join our Community
We graciously welcome all new parishioners to Christ the King. Give of your “Time, Talent, and Treasure” by joining us for Mass, volunteering in our community, or personally visiting our church. Click here to get involved ⟶
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