At Christ the King, we strive to have a vibrant community full of fellowship, service, and prayer. Our community ministries help one become fully involved and integrated with the identity and life of Christ the King Parish.
The Altar Society’s purpose is to aid in the spiritual advancement of its members, the practice of spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and the care and upkeep of the church and the promotion of fellowship in the Christ the King Church Community.

Saint Anne’s Society
The St. Anne's Society is a fellowship and social organization for the parish women of Christ the King Church. Our mission is to provide women and mothers of the parish enriching activities throughout the year, focusing on supporting our Catholic Community, strengthening our faith, and creating everlasting friendships.

The Christ the King Kingsmen is a social and spiritual organization representing the Men of Christ the King Parish and School.
The primary objective of the Kingsmen is to build stronger bonds and a sense of community among the existing parishioners and fathers of CKS students, as well as create an easily accessible entry point for new parishioners to become more acquainted with their church community and develop a stronger sense of self-identity with their Catholic heritage.

Safe Environment
In order to provide a loving, safe and nurturing environment for all, volunteers in this ministry must maintain Safe Environment clearance.
Join our Community
We graciously welcome all new parishioners to Christ the King. Give of your “Time, Talent, and Treasure” by joining us for Mass, volunteering in our community, or personally visiting our church.
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