Holy Baptism is the basis of whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers I her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regneration through water and the Word.
Infant Baptism
We share your joy and happiness in the birth of your child. You and your family have welcomed this child into the world. Now you desire that he or she be welcomed into our spiritual family.
Have additional questions? Download our Guide to Infant Baptism.
To register for infant baptism, please complete the following forms and submit to the Parish Office:
Baptism Registration - Family Form
Baptism Registration - Godparent Form

Infant Baptism Information
• At least one parent must be a practicing and active Catholic who will rear the infant as a Catholic Christian.
• Catholic parents and godparent(s) for the child must attend a Baptism preparation program before their child’s Baptism, unless they have attended a program in the past 4 years.
• Couples living outside of Christ the King's boundaries should register in the proper territorial parish where they now live and celebrate their child's Baptism in that parish.
According to Canon Law:
Every newly baptised must have at least one godparent. If there are to be two, they must be male and female.
For someone to be eligible as a godparent, they must be chosen by the parents and:
• Be at least 16 years of age.
• Be a Roman Catholic, who has received First Communion and Confirmation, and is leading a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith. If married, they should be married according to the norms of the Church.
• Be someone other than the father or mother of the child.
Note: A baptized person who belongs to another Christian community may be admitted only as a “Christian Witness” not a godparent, provided that there is at least one Catholic godparent who fulfills the above criteria. A Catholic who is inactive in the Catholic Church or a non-baptized person cannot be a Christian Witness.
• Properly completed Baptism Registration - Family Form
• Properly completed Godparent Form
• Certificate of completion from the baptismal preparation class from parents and Godparents.
• If parents are non-parishioners, attach the permission letter from the church they attend.
• If divorced or absent parent, attach a letter from said Baptism Registration - Family Form parent giving permission to baptize the child
• Godparents are inline with requirements from Canon Law (see complete guide to infant baptism form).
• If godparents are non-parishioners or do not live within the boundaries of Christ the King, attach the permission letter from the church they attend indicating that they are active members and that they are eligible to be godparents.
Whatever your history, we want to know about your unique faith journey, so we can best guide you toward full participation in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. To begin the Baptismal process please contact the parish office using the link below.
For full guidelines of infant baptism, please read more here.
Baptism for Adults
In the Catholic Church, Adults or those past the age of reason who are seeking baptism go through a different process call the Right of Christian Initiation. Within this process, one is accompanied as they learn about the Catholic Faith and receives weekly formation from the church. All adults interested in the faith or baptism should reach out to Sister Mary Paul Haase, our Pastoral Associate.
For more info about becoming Catholic, click here.