As Christians, we are called to take part in our faith more than just Mass on Sunday. Further, Our Lord doesn't ask us to take the journey to heaven alone, rather, He desires us to be in the company of others. Ministries simply allow us to know, love, and serve the Lord in new ways in the companionship of others!
Liturgical Ministries
Our Liturgical Ministries allow the laity to become involved in the sacramental life of the church. Through their ministry, they aid the clergy and congregation in their mission and prayer.
Liturgical ministries include the ministry of ushers, extraordinary ministers, lectors, altar servers, rosary leaders and music ministers.
If you feel called to participate as a liturgical minister, click below to learn more about getting involved.

Youth Ministries
“The formation and involvement of the youth of the church is an essential to the future and vibrancy of our parish. We strive to engage the youth and minister to them.”
Youth ministries include High School ministry, Junior High ministry, faith formation (Pre-K through 6th Grade), and Vacation Bible School.
Enroll your child in a Youth Ministry by clicking here to learn more about getting involved.

Service Ministries
At Christ the King, we seek to find Christ in the eyes of those in need. Many of our ministries at the Parish involve volunteering and service in some way, but for those seeking more service opportunities should look into the ministries below.
The society of St. Vincent de Paul is the primary service ministry at Christ the King at this time. As the pandemic lessens, stay tuned for more ministries to come.
If you feel called to join this service ministry, click below to learn more about getting involved

Community Life
Community is the one of the most important things about Parish Life. In joining a community, one gains friends that accompany each other in the journey to heaven!
Community life is vibrant with ministries including the Altar Society, St. Anne’s Society, and Kingsmen.
If you feel called to join any of these social ministries, click below to learn more about getting involved.

All Ministries
Service Ministries
Community Life
Not sure where to get involved?
Contact our team using the link below to talk about the opportunities and needs of the parish!

Safe Environment
In order to provide a loving, safe and nurturing environment for all, volunteers in this ministry must maintain Safe Environment clearance.
Join our Community
We graciously welcome all new parishioners to Christ the King. Give of your “Time, Talent, and Treasure” by joining us for Mass, volunteering in our community, or personally visiting our church.
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