Campaign Objectives
This $21 million campaign will build upon the strong legacy of the Christ the King community, so it can continue meeting the needs of parishioners and students for many generations to come.
The campaign objectives will elevate our facilities to better align with the dignity and excellence of the spiritual care and formation we provide. Objectives include:
New Academic Building
Parish Center Renovations
New Church Offices and Courtyard
Rectory Renovations
Quick Links
Our call to the community is to pray for the success of the Living Faith, Igniting Hearts, Inspiring Minds Capital Campaign, so Christ the King can continue its role as a leader in spiritual, ministry and educational services. When you receive the call, we ask you to open your heart and seek God’s guidance on a pledge that will strengthen both your spirit and our community.
A Note from Father Tony
At Christ the King, we are blessed with an active and growing community of faith. To ensure that we remain a vibrant parish for future generations, we are excited about the Living Faith, Igniting Hearts, Inspiring Minds campaign and what is offers our community. Christ the King Catholic School gains new learning spaces with state-of-the-art technology to develop the minds, hearts, and souls of our students. Remodeling the Parish Center provides flexible space for fellowship and experiencing the love of Christ through our ministries, and the new chapel offers parishioners a sacred space for prayer, reflection, and communion with God. These are just a few examples of how the campaign strengthens our relationship with God, both individually and as a community.
Thank you for your support and commitment to the future of Christ the King. May the Holy Spirit guide us on this journey of faith, generosity, and community.
- Very Rev. Anthony F. Lackland, V.F.
Pastor, Christ the King Parish


Frequently Asked Questions
The Living Faith, Igniting Hearts, Inspiring Mind campaign includes infrastructure that benefits the church community and modernizes the facilities for the school.
The campaign delivers the following for the church community:
· a new chapel honoring Mary Queen of Heaven that offers parishioners a sacred space for prayer, reflection, and communion with God,
· a remodeled Parish Center that provides flexible space for fellowship and experiencing God’s love through our ministries,
· a new Church Office that increases operational vitality and provides dedicated ministry space,
· a remodeled bride’s room and a new groom’s room to support our wedding ministry
· upgrades to the aging campus electrical infrastructure.
For the school, the campaign provides a new approximately 25,000 square foot academic building, which will serve our early childhood and middle school programs, including:
· a new main entrance,
· eleven new classrooms,
· a library, Technology Center, and Learning Resource Center,
· new counseling offices,
· administrative offices, and
· a playground.
In 2009, our former Pastor, Monsignor Zimmerman, shared his vision for advancing the facilities at Christ the King to meet the needs of parishioners for the next generations. The first phase of the vision, called Legacy of the Heart, included building the Community Center. The Legacy of the Heart campaign started in 2010 and completed in 2012. Our new campaign, Living Faith, Igniting Hearts, Inspiring Minds, is the second phase in the plan. To complete the vision, a third campaign will be required in the future.
To deliver the objectives of the campaign, we need to raise $21 million.
The silent phase of the campaign was targeted towards gifts of $100,000 or more. The list of potential donors was based on participation in the Legacy of the Heart campaign, ongoing financial support of Christ the King, and other factors. While the list was a useful resource for identifying potential lead donors, we realize that it was not perfect, and we invite all donors interested in making a major gift to do so.
The school is the largest ministry of Christ the King, so supporting the school helps strengthen the parish community overall. In addition, the Living Faith, Igniting Hearts, Inspiring Minds campaign includes funding to include a new chapel for parishioners, remodel the Parish Center, remodel the bride’s room and offer a new groom’s room, provide a bereavement space for our funeral ministry, and create a new office space to better serve parishioners.
Please prayerfully consider a financial contribution to the Living Faith, Igniting Hearts, Inspiring Minds campaign. Your generosity will help ensure the success of the campaign.
Pledge cards, which are available in the campaign pamphlet and in the pew envelopes, allow you to make a one-time contribution or spread your pledge payments over time.
Your contribution may qualify for a matching gift. Please check with your employer.
Pledge payments may be made by check, donor advised fund, or gifts of stock. Credit cards and electronic checks (ACH) can be used through the website or the campaign QR code. Cash payments may be made using pew envelopes or capital campaign envelopes included with your weekly collection envelopes. Personal checks and checks from donor advised funds should be made payable to Christ the King Catholic Parish. Please note on the memo line that the check is for the capital campaign.
Payments should be sent to:
Christ the King Catholic Parish
Attn: Mike Coffey
8017 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75225
Gifts of stock are processed by the Catholic Foundation. Please contact Mike Coffey at or 214-365-1210 for instructions.
Yes. Pledges can be paid over time up to five years. You can select the payment schedule that is best for you, including the number of years and the number of payments (annually, monthly, weekly, one-time).
Yes. If your situation changes and you need to adjust your payment schedule, please contact Mike Coffey at or 214-365-1210 to make new arrangements. You may make payments early without adjusting your schedule.
There will be recognition opportunities associated with the campaign. For larger gifts, there are a variety of naming opportunities ranging from naming the new academic building to naming a playground bench. For a smaller gift, you may choose to name a brick in the school courtyard with three sizes available. Donor lists may also be displayed on the website, social media, or other places to be determined. You will be able to specify the wording for your recognition.
Yes. Donors who designate their gift as anonymous will not be recognized publicly.
For pledge payments not made automatically using a credit card or electronic check (ACH), payment reminders will be sent via US Mail at least 30 days before the due date for payments of $1,000 or more.
All contributions to the Living Faith, Igniting Hearts, Inspiring Minds campaign are tax deductible. For contributions over $250, letters will be provided which can be used as a receipt for tax purposes. For registered members of Christ the King, your annual contribution summary will include payments made to the capital campaign.
Christ the King will host an event in the Community Center Gym the evening of Thursday, September 19th. The event will be open to all parishioners, school families, and others interested in supporting the campaign. Presentations from Fr. Tony, School President Dr. O’Sullivan, and guests representing the parish and school will provide additional details about the scope of the campaign, the benefits delivered, and how we can all get involved. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
In addition, the school will host an event focused on school families on September 5th.
Christ the King will provide ongoing communications and updates on the campaign. Watch for information in the bulletin, social media, and the website. If you haven’t signed up for Flocknote, please sign up soon, since updates will also be posted on Flocknote. Periodically, brief updates will be provided during the announcements at the end of Mass.
The project is expected to take approximately 15 months to complete. Subject to the volume of pledge collections and permitting, construction could begin as soon as Spring 2025.
No. The feasibility of underground parking has been explored several times throughout the master planning process. The Church and School leadership abandoned the pursuit of new underground parking as part of this campaign based on the following:
1. The effort would be cost prohibitive and would divert precious campaign dollars away from addressing the more critical needs of the Church and School.
2. The available area of property between the Cafeteria and Westchester Drive would yield a highly inefficient and tight parking garage. A single level of underground parking in this area would likely only yield 35-45 parking spaces.
3. There is an underground stream that runs east to west through the northern portion of the school property which would lead to higher construction and operating costs of the underground parking garage.
In 1977, the parish entered into a lease agreement with the property owner of the Chase Office building on the north side of the Church and School campus. That lease agreement grants certain surface and underground parking rights to Christ the King Church and School staff and visitors. The rights allow for usage both during the week and on weekends.
Yes, once Bernadine is re-built, church and school staff will be required to park in the areas made available under the parking lease agreement. The intent of this requirement is to free up surface parking spaces along the north side of the property for guests and to potentially improve traffic flows during carpool pick up.
No. The cost of constructing either an underground or elevated pedestrian concourse is cost prohibitive and would divert precious campaign dollars away from addressing the more critical needs of the Church and School. There are additional physical and legal constraints associated with an underground or elevated pedestrian concourse. Those constraints included conflicts with existing underground utilities, conflicts with easements, and compliance with undesirable requirements of Dallas Fire Department.
This was done to optimize site efficiency and to create a secure exterior courtyard between the Cafeteria and New Bernadine Building. Additionally, the new location of the playground will include two benefits that are absent from the current conditions. First, the playground will be physically secured with perimeter fencing. Second, the playground will have quick, convenient access to the restrooms.
Yes. However, gaining an internal courtyard for use by all students was determined to be a higher priority and creates a more equitable outcome. Keeping the playground internal would also create constraints and/or prohibit the use of the playground on weekends after Mass.
During construction, the mobile library concept that has previously been successfully implemented will be used again.
Today, there are spaces available for ministries, programs, and other parish events in the Community Center and the Parish Center. The availability of some of these spaces may be impacted during construction. As a result, some ongoing meetings may be temporarily moved to new locations during construction. Church and School needs will be prioritized over external requests.